Fallout new vegas bug enemies
Fallout new vegas bug enemies

fallout new vegas bug enemies

  • This time, allow the patch to be applied.
  • Your companions should now have all the weapons they had before they were stolen the first time.
  • Enter the building and allow the guard to take all your weapons.
  • fallout new vegas bug enemies

  • Fast travel to the location where your weapons were lost and save a new file at the door (just a precautionary measure that should always be taken when doing this sort of thing).
  • fallout new vegas bug enemies

    Make sure your companions have the room they will need to hold all the weapons you had them carrying beforehand.

  • Upon loading, you may need to exchange some items with your companions to balance weight as some item weights were different before the patch.
  • Load your desired save file (I believe you may need to load one from outside the casino or other place that confiscate your weapons).
  • A guide window will immediately open once the game launches and will ask if you want to apply the available update for the game.
  • Launch Fallout New Vegas as you normally would.
  • Find the file labeled "Fallout New Vegas Title Update #5 (the number on yours could be higher if you are reading this after another update, or lower if you somehow have an old update) and DELETE it (do NOT move it, as the game will still detect it).
  • Find "Fallout: New Vegas" and select it.
  • Choose the appropriate Storage Device, likely your "Hard Drive".
  • Go to the "My XBox" menu and scroll all the way to the right and select "System Settings".
  • (NOTE: If you rely on your auto-save or your auto-save is your most recent save you would like to play from, I recommend saving a new manual file before attempting the steps below.) The solution for me ended up being very simple but I will list step by step directions to clear any confusion. The poster who made the comment about the patch deletion only working on the PC was wrong, fortunately for those of us on the XBox 360 (and hopefully for you PS3 users as well).

    Fallout new vegas bug enemies